We have been travelling at a faster pace this half of our 10 week trip. It has been difficult to keep up the blog let alone making sure we have clean socks! I think we just need to get more socks though. Well, I will do my best to capture all the beautiful places we have been. Since our last post we have gone to California, Utah, Colorado, and Missouri; oh and I write this blog now from Tennessee.
From Portland we decided on a whim and an invitation to visit two of my cousins in California. The first, Miss Tara Bayne, in Arcata. Yes, also known as the marijuana capitol of America. We had the honor of listening to my cousin sing with her bluegrass band at a local coffee shop, for a radio station fundraiser. Below is a video of one of their songs. From Arcata we drove 5 hours south to San Fransico to see my cousin Dawn. Also a very eclectic town of free loving, self employed "street merchants." We did however get to cross the Golden Gate Bridge, pictured below.
From SanFran we drove about 11 hours east to Salt Lake City, Utah to see my pregnant best friend, Nina. Her and her husband Romey, took us to Park City where we could see an excellent view of the landscape as well as visit some sweet boutiques. Oh, and we also visited the mormon museum and saw the Temple. So, normally you would imagine Nina and I would bore the guys with our constant conversation of the "old days" and baby stuff. Well, let's just say if it wasn't for the fact we needed sleep they would've talked through the night, making it nearly 48 hours of religious, political and who knows what else, conversation! Needless to say, Britton made a friend there.
Bright and early we arose to book it over to Boulder, Colorado for a worship conference. This was also a great networking stop. After meandering into the main auditorium looking aimlessly for a familiar face, I saw the high wave of Anthony Foti of Tinamou calling us over in the distance. That evening we got to meet Aaron Strumpel, Karla Aldolphe, Robin Pasely, and John Mark McMillan after they performed. Aaron, a giddy, fun-loving, honest guy spent a lot of time talking with us. He has several albums out you should get! This was actually our second time meeting Karla. Originally from Canada, we met her at a house concert at our friends' a few years back She has killer vocals, and also some excellent records out! Robin is the wife of Ben Pasley who were the driving force and brains behind Enter The Worship Circle. Also very skilled and fun musicians with many albums out! And of course, John Mark, was incredible. What I love about these folks is that they are not self promoters. They don't want to be worshipped.
The next day I spent cooking and resting! It was fabulous. Britton went to church with the Parkers, the cool couple we stayed with, and made great connections. The following day the Tinamou folks and I went hiking for three hours in Estes Park. I still can't believe I did it. I mean I love the outdoors and all but I was scaling the side of this steep mountain for at least a half our then we climbed a tree to get to the very top! Needless to say I was sore for the next 3 days. Our last night we went to a concert in the basement of a church in Fort Collins. Due to my false estimation of distance between Pearl Street and the church, we missed Aaron's performance. We were able to watch Tinamou and this totally unexpected incredible family band called Shel. My husband has already plastered them all over facebook=) Following is a video of one song. They were so talented I wanted to puke. Not really.
After passing through the boring state of Kansas, we arrived in a suburb of Kansas City to be warmly greeted by my good friend Evelina. This was the most bizarre place we stayed on our trip that's for sure. I should've gotten video of the exterior but just imagine a 12 year old boy designing a dungeon castle and there you have it. The arched wooden windows and heavy midevel door kept out the light, and the bad guys. We spent our first night eating bean spread kindly made by our friend Danny. He was attempting to make vegan bean burgers for us, and well we had to go with plan d =) Britton's cousing Bre was not satisfied, having to finish her dinner with a bowl of cereal. Good times! We also got a little tour of the college and a nifty area called Westport.
So now here I sit, writing from my sister-in-laws place in Nashville, Tennessee! Our first night in we got to tour the ministry center she is working at called, Mercy. Britton led worhsip there and Nicole and her co-worker gave their testimonies. It was awesome. The girls there were so receptive and sweet. Nicole and I walked around Franklin our second day while Britton typed away for a few hours at Starbucks. We met her peeps at Newsong youth group where Britton helped out with worship and shared about The Reckoning. Now I finish this blog from Jackson, Tennessee for the annual Roberts' Thanksgiving!